Friday, September 4, 2009

Buttered Buffalo Wings Recipe

My first recipe is one dish I got from hubby. When he was in Dagupan for a business trip, he was able to talk to a warehouse manager about it. He got the instructions and we tried it upon his return to home. We were happy because our choosy kids love it. Wanna try our version of Buttered Buffalo Wings? happy


1 kilo buffalo wings
Rice wine, 2-3 tbsps.
Pounded pepper
Iodized salt
Onion spring, cut 1 inch
1 Green chilli (siling panigang), sliced thinly
Vegetable oil


Marinate buffalo wings with rice wine, pepper and salt for 15 minutes. Deep fry the marinated buffalo wings in vegetable oil until brownish. In a frying pan, add butter, green chilli and onion spring. Saute for 3 minutes then add the fried buffalo wings. Continue stirring and flip the wings for even taste of the ingredients. For plating, arrange the wings and spread the veggies on top.


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